Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Music Man

Twas a damp and dreary day when Billy and counterpart Jimmy were in their studio recording. Aspiring artists, the two had dreams of becoming successful musicians in the genre of pop music. The lure of fame, fortune, and overwhelming amounts of free Sprite gave the two friends great drive to make these dreams come to fruition. As they would soon discover, attaining this level of celebrity is easier said then done.
The friends chatted about what they should tweak in their new single now in progress, "You Can't Hate Me The Way Love Hates Me."
"Well," said Jimmy," I really think we should keep on saying love. And emphasizing love. But not just love. The things that people often associate with love. Like Lilacs. And epson salt. This is a love song, after all."
Billy had a belief that the song would weave a tale of intricate literary fabrics that ultimately would lead no where. "I want us to say something about how love is a roller coaster, sometimes you can get on and love it, and sometimes, you can become unfastened from your safety device, launching your soon to be deceased body straight into pavement."
Jimmy was frustrated. Billy always made no sense. "What the hell are you talking about? In what way is love like a roller coaster in that way? "
Billy replied," You have to step out of your judgment box for a second."
Jimmy was, in fact, standing in a box. "But I'm serious here. How can we get this done?
The duo thought aloud and wondered what exactly it would take to make it in the big time.
So Jimmy had an idea. "I've got it! It will go, "You Can't Hate Me The Way Love Hates Me, I hate Love because hating is not for Lovers, Let us Love the hate and let us share the love but let us not forget to Purchase more Sprite! For It has been clinically known to reduce thirst!"
The two would seek to have corporations not affiliated with the band pay for their distribution and album sales as long as they endorsed their products in their songs. The two became a smash hit instantaneously, and the music industry hit an all time record low for horrible music. Billy and Jimmy would give young adults inspiration everywhere, especially because of their inability to hear. They were deaf.


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