Friday, February 23, 2007

The Last One You'd Expect

The five of them stood around in silent anticipation, as they waited for the arrival of the Detective Duncecap. As the door swung open, all five gathered around the detective. "I have completed my investigation, and I have concluded that the killer can only be one of the 5 adults in this very room!" The people within fell silent for several moments. To kill the silence, the ever so curious Calvin Killingsworth replied, "So, do you know specifically who it is or have you just narrowed it down to the five of us?" The detective was puzzled. "I have narrowed it down to the five of you! One of you killed a person! Aren't you afraid or suspicious of this, Mr. Killingworth?" "Yes, of course, I am very intrigued... Whooops!" Just then, a large axe fell out of Calvin's pant leg, "Should have secured that better!" "Hey, what the hell?" said Victor Victim, who saw the axe that had dropped to the floor. "Do you want to explain yourself?" Calvin paused. "Uhh... what? I go hunting with an axe and I had to secure it in my trousers because I didn't want anyone stealing my very valuable axe from my car!" Victor thought to himself. "Oh, that explains it." Allie Accomplice could smell the fear amongst the crowd. She was quite calm. "I'm hungry!" She exclaimed. "Anyone else hungry?" Greggory Gluttony replied with an emphatic "HELLLLLL YESSS!" Allie promptly gave a wink at Calvin Killingsworth, and then said, "Come with me. Let's get some food!" Although he could not put his finger on it, there was something going on in this horrible mansion. Otis Oblivious was determined to get to the bottom of this mystery. "I must solve this case! Greggory, you go get some grub with Allie in that airtight, sound proof freezer downstairs. Calvin, the incinerator is the third door on your right. The fire's should give us a clue. Victor, go with him. Oh, and Calvin." Calvin had a smirk on his face as wide as a country mile. "That room is also soundproof." Victor retorted, "COOL!" The 4 of them left, leaving only the Detective and Otis. "Man that freezer is gonna be pretty cold for those two." The detective replied, "What? Oh yeah your right. Burrrr." "You know what is cold?" Otis asked the wily detective. The Detective then asked him, "What is? See, I am actually quite curious I am native to the Caribbean and... "Otis interrupted ,"A large knife!" Otis then promptly murdered the detective.

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