Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Great Kreeper

The man was thought to be a lunatic. He kept to himself. It was only a matter of time, most people thought. He worked at the local window repair shop, repairing broken window panes. He never recognized any one's existence around the small town; unless you count the manager of the window store, his boss. They would carry on conversation's whenever the boss would need something done around the store. The boss was always weary of this man. This, odd configuration of molecules strewn about in a semi-sloppy manner. The town was small enough to know him by name. Everyone knew him. Drapper Kreeper was known by all the towns people. The adults whispered tales of antisocial behavior and of how he would avoid eye contact. The children would whisper tales of creepiness and the scary stares they received. The elderly would declare that in their day they would lynch the man because of the way he behaved. The howler monkeys of the town enjoyed his company because of the amount of bananas he left lying around. An eary silence fell over the small town. It was in this time period when it started happening. The town people had been waiting for something like this to happen; they just didn't expect it like this, and in such a way. They had never even imagined such a tragedy. In this city of 3 thousand people, that loved it's refrigerated foods fresh, the unthinkable had happened: for some reason that no one can explain, Drapper Kreeper had stolen every resident's refrigerator door. The Great Refridgerator Door Bandit, or so they would forever call him, was never seen again.


Trost said...


Trost said...

What happened to this great blog?