Monday, March 19, 2007

The Future: Part 1

The hydrant had exploded into a sea of various ambigious and exorbadent colours. I had laughed extremely hard as my rocket propelled, handheld, Canadian grade missile had completely destroyed my acquired target. This would be great practice for further excursions into enemy territories in which this large fear-evoking gun would be a nessasity for life. This isn't what you would normally find in a perfect place. But this was the future - a post apocalyptic world of individual republics protected by single people and the greatest of weaponry which was, in fact, produced by the Canadian military years back. The anarchy of the days had started slowly. Surely enough, however, the Green Goblinmen had risen out of the Lake of Salt to convince the people to rise up and destroy all government oppressors. This would eventually lead to a tailspin of trully Earthly proportions when all the people's of earth decided to listen to the Green Goblinmen and break away from their predesposed "Nation" and destroy any and all challengers. The Great Wars had dwindled the Earth's population to around 10 million, mostly now living in Ontario, Canada circa 2000 A.D. I had stationed myself near a remote village by a babbling brook to drain out any and all noise reception I was bound to make. I spotted a large, moving van headed for my area, so I fired my rocket at the beast. "HOLY GARGANZOLA!" I heard being shouted out from the van. "ENEMY FIRE IS A WICKED SPICE TO ENTICE!" I was taken aback by this person's imagery and description of my rocket and decided to make peace with it's inhabitants. Thankfully, my large rocket had missed the van when it pulled some evasive manuevers. I approached the van with a white flag in hand. "PEACE! THIS IS A PEACE SIGN! I WISH TO ENCORPORATE FORCES!" The van then stopped right in it's tracks. It then rearranged itself in a way I have never seen metal do. I had heard about such things. They were myths, or so I thought. Handed down generated by generation, the stories changing ever so slightly until they lost all meaning entirely. I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it, smell it, and oddly enough, taste the carbon dioxide the metaillic beast expelled regularly. When this van transformed into a large figure that slightly resembled a human, I was deeply moved and, at the same time, extremely terrified. The beast quickly layed my fears to rest by saying, "IT IS I, OPTIMUS PRIME, LEADER OF THE AUTOBOTS, FROM THE PLANET CYBERTRON! I HAVE COME TO SAVE YOU!" To be continued...

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Anonymous said...
